🕐20.03.15 - 05:27 Uhr


Fortbridge Media Release

Triton Minerals Limited [ASX TON] - Triton Mozambique Graphite (TMG) is Expandable

Triton Minerals Ltd (ASX TON) is pleased to confirm material testing complete by an independent facility located in Asia, has confirmed that the Mozambique Graphite (TMG) can be expanded up to 1,000 times.

Brad Boyle, Managing Director and CEO said the unique physical and thermal properties of expanded graphite enjoys a continued strong market demand and a premium price is paid by end users.

Not all graphite is expandable. However, if the graphite possesses the required physical properties the graphite is normally expanded by immersing the natural flake graphite concentrate, usually at a grade of 95 per cent to 99 per cent TGC, in a bath of chromic acid, then concentrated sulfuric acid, which forces apart the crystal lattice planes, thus expanding or increasing the flake graphite surface area from 500 to 1,000 times in size. Subject to quality the expanded graphite sells for up to US 3,500 dollars per tonne.

For a full copy of the announcement, please click on the following link

For further information, please contact

Brad Boyle
CEO and Managing Director
T +61 8 6489 2555

For media and investor inquiries, please contact

Fortbridge / Sydney
Bill Kemmery
T +61 400 122 449

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