🕐10.11.11 - 03:54 Uhr


November 9, 2011
Reaching for Prosperity ..Days of Whine and Poses As the global monetary system continues to stress fracture under its own weight, the volume of the background screech coming out of Europe is becoming intolerable.

I have to hand it to the unseen and unelected oafs in Brussels; they cannot be faulted for the sheer size and scope of their Cirque de Effectus.

All that is missing is the free bread and having the inside scoop on the number of gladiators participating in the final melee.

Fortunately, I am as deaf as an adder when it comes to what the over-reaching Keynesians have to say.
I also see little to gain from watching the lob of the ball as it moves from one side of the Atlantic to the other.

But I see everything to gain by not ignoring the muzzled warning signals coming from the rating agencies; as I anticipate a series of rolling downgrades across Southern Europe.

Also worth waiting for, the machinations by the European Central Bank as it wrestles with the inconvenient technicality of not yet being able to print more fiat currency; regardless of the current pose struck by Mario Draghi, the new head of the ECB.

Larry Myles Larry Myles Reports 604-408-7600 1-877-405-7600
Government is the only institution that can take a valuable commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink... _____
My intention is to inform, never to annoy.

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